What a trip. Put some miles into the rental. Got in one minor, minor ummm... skirmish. Saw one of my brothers get married, etc., etc. I'm not going to bore you with all the details, now. I shall later though.
I kept a bit of a travelogue. Over the next few days, I'll transcribe it on to this site, and take some of the highlights (in or out of context) and post them here. But since I didn't bring my notes with me and since I'm tired and have to prepare myself for (and somewhat celebrate) my new job, I'll have to start tomorrow.
I'm the newest addition to the Roberto Clemente Achievement Academy, a school within a school that works with 6th, 7th, and 8th graders who are too old for elementary school but need to be mainstreamed into the high school. It's gonna be tough, don'tchaknow?
More on that later.
P.S., if you haven't read Don Miller yet, here's a good place to start, it's an excerpt from Blue Like Jazz.
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